Omniscient On-Page 2.0

Experts and the SEO news websites make out that Google has some sort of all-seeing eye, rather than the very simplistic bot that sees the exact same things you and I can!

In this updated eBook, I lay out every factor that Google considers when evaluating your pages and website. I'll give you the exact strategy that I have perfected over the last decade, which can be adapted and applied to any website, any niche and any language.

I’ll show you how to go from no code noob to a technical SEO savant with easy to understand, lamens terms language that includes screenshots, tutorials and detailed explanations throughout.

What’s Inside This Course?

When I said this was a COMPLETE resource to OnPage, I wasn't lying.

Inside this eBook, you'll get:

  • Housekeeping - Understanding & Analyzing

  • ALL The Basics of OnPage SEO

  • Content Optimization (Correlational, Entity & Semantic SEO)

  • Crawlability & Crawl Budget Optimization

  • Site Speed & How To Make Fast Pages

  • Trust Signals, EEAT & The March 2024 Update

  • Monitoring OnPage & Competitors

  • Scaling Beyond Human Capabilities

  • UX, CRO & User Engagement Signals

As well as loads more tips, tricks and golden nuggets throughout. 🔑

Who Is This eBook For? 💎

- Bloggers
- SEOs
- Agency Owners
- Website Owners

Or anyone looking to generate more traffic from Google with nothing but time and without breaking the bank…

You only need a base understanding of SEO and websites already, we’ll teach you the rest!

Do I Need Technical Knowledge?

I'll show you how to do everything without ever touching a line of code or querying a database!

The only knowledge you'll really need is of the platform your website is using, though if it's WordPress, that's the example site we'll be using in the eBook and I'll show you exactly how to use it anyway.

Still Need Some Convincing? 🔓

Yes, you might be able to gather this information from dozens of blog posts, videos and courses over the next few months... But who has that sort of time just laying around?

This eBook gives you an up to date, cohesive OnPage strategy with every technique thoroughly explained and examples throughout.

There really is no other resource for OnPage like this one at anywhere near the price.

  • Author

Frequently Asked Questions

How up to date is this eBook?

The eBook is current to 2024, with the latest update being checked in May and is fully taking into account the latest trends in SEO, Google's algorithm changes.

What format is this eBook in?

You can read it via our online copy or download as a PDF that's stamped with your email.

What is the refund policy?

As the information inside is created by an expert of 15+ years, and we’re delivering it immediately upon purchase, we do not offer a refund policy as the information inside is already extremely cheap for what is inside.